While summer vacation is a well-deserved and much-needed break for everyone, it can also be a time when students fall behind in their math skills. Concepts and procedures that were clearly understood in the springtime are often forgotten when it comes time to start school again in the fall. There are many math workbooks geared towards summer practice available in stores, but below are some other ideas for keeping your student’s math skills sharp this summer.
→ Cook. Following a recipe allows a child to practice many important reading and math skills. Finding recipes
with lots of fractions is great practice, and doubling the recipe makes it even more challenging. Ready for more? Hide some of the measuring cups so your child has to improvise with different sizes of cups (filling the ¼ cup twice to make ½ cup).
→Shop. Shopping provides many chances for children to use math. Your child can help you with the shopping budget, then help shop for the family while staying within the given amount. It is also great mental math practice to have your child round the amounts of each item you put in the cart and keep a running total as you shop, then see how close it was to the real total.
→Play. Most board games involve some type of math. As an adult, it’s tempting to offer to keep score or be the banker because you can do it more quickly, but make sure you allow your child to take on these roles sometimes. Games and puzzles that encourage strategic and logical thinking will also help keep your child’s brain active.
→Plan. Are your children constantly asking for money, or to do things that cost money? Let them be involved the next time you plan a family outing. Have them find what the total would be for your family to go to a movie, restaurant, amusement park, or on a vacation. For most children, this is surprising to find out how quickly costs can add up.
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Comments (1)
Jennifer Boyer-Thurgood said
at 1:19 pm on Jul 13, 2010
While summer vacation is a well-deserved and much-needed break for everyone, it can also be a time when students fall behind in their math skills. Concepts and procedures that were clearly understood in the springtime are often forgotten when it comes time to start school again in the fall. There are many math workbooks geared towards summer practice available in stores, but below are some other ideas for keeping your student’s math skills sharp this summer.
→ Cook. Following a recipe allows a child to practice many important reading and math skills. Finding recipes
with lots of fractions is great practice, and doubling the recipe makes it even more challenging. Ready for more? Hide some of the measuring cups so your child has to improvise with different sizes of cups (filling the ¼ cup twice to make ½ cup).
→Shop. Shopping provides many chances for children to use math. Your child can help you with the shopping budget, then help shop for the family while staying within the given amount. It is also great mental math practice to have your child round the amounts of each item you put in the cart and keep a running total as you shop, then see how close it was to the real total.
→Play. Most board games involve some type of math. As an adult, it’s tempting to offer to keep score or be the banker because you can do it more quickly, but make sure you allow your child to take on these roles sometimes. Games and puzzles that encourage strategic and logical thinking will also help keep your child’s brain active.
→Plan. Are your children constantly asking for money, or to do things that cost money? Let them be involved the next time you plan a family outing. Have them find what the total would be for your family to go to a movie, restaurant, amusement park, or on a vacation. For most children, this is surprising to find out how quickly costs can add up.
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