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by Jennifer Boyer-Thurgood 15 years, 7 months ago
Language Arts Standard 6
Vocabulary-Students learn and use grade level vocabulary to increase understanding and read fluently.
Objective 1
Learn new words through listening and reading widely.
- Use new vocabulary learned by listening, reading, and discussing a variety of genres.
- Learn the meaning and properly use a variety of grade level words (e.g., words from literature, social studies, science, math).
Objective 2
Use multiple resources to learn new words by relating them to known words and/or concepts.
- Use multiple resources to determine the meanings of unknown words (e.g., simple dictionaries, glossaries, beginning thesauruses).
- Relate unfamiliar words and concept to prior knowledge to increase vocabulary (e.g., rotation: planets, spinner, taking turns).
Objective 3
Use structural analysis and context clues to determine meanings of words.
- Identify meanings of words using prefixes and suffixes.
- Use context to determine the meaning of unknown key words (e.g., The ferocious dog growled at the children.).
- Use context to determine the meanings of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms (e.g., blue, blew) and multiple-meaning words (e.g., light).
Objective 2a |
Living Glosssary |
Page for students to create a Living Glossary of vocabular words and other important words they come across. Each page has a letter at the top and then lines seperated for each definition. |
Objective 2b |
Vocabulary 5.1 Boom Town.notebook |
SMART Board Vocabulary Introduction for Boom Town. Unit 5, Story 1- Created by Shellie Shupe (Uintah Elementary) |
Objective 2b |
Vocabulary 5.2 Beatrices Goat 2.notebook |
SMART Board Vocabulary Introduction for Beatrice's Goat. Unit 5, Story 2- Created by Shellie Shupe (Uintah Elementary) |
Objective 2b |
Vocabulary 5.3 Time Out.notebook |
SMART Board Vocabulary Introduction for Boom Town. Unit 5, Story 3- Created by Shellie Shupe (Uintah Elementary) |
Objective 2b |
Vocabulary 5.4 The Printer.notebook |
SMART Board Vocabulary Introduction for The . Unit 5, Story 4- Created by Shellie Shupe (Uintah Elementary) |
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