

Page history last edited by Jennifer Boyer-Thurgood 15 years, 7 months ago

Language Arts Standard 6

Vocabulary-Students learn and use grade level vocabulary to increase understanding and read fluently.


Objective 1

Learn new words through listening and reading widely.

  1. Use new vocabulary learned by listening, reading, and discussing a variety of genres.
  2. Learn the meaning and properly use a variety of grade level words (e.g., words from literature, social studies, science, math).


Objective 2

Use multiple resources to learn new words by relating them to known words and/or concepts.

  1. Use multiple resources to determine the meanings of unknown words (e.g., simple dictionaries, glossaries, beginning thesauruses).
  2. Relate unfamiliar words and concept to prior knowledge to increase vocabulary (e.g., rotation: planets, spinner, taking turns).


Objective 3

Use structural analysis and context clues to determine meanings of words.

  1. Identify meanings of words using prefixes and suffixes.
  2. Use context to determine the meaning of unknown key words (e.g., The ferocious dog growled at the children.).
  3. Use context to determine the meanings of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms (e.g., blue, blew) and multiple-meaning words (e.g., light).




Objective 2a Living Glosssary Page for students to create a Living Glossary of vocabular words and other important words they come across. Each page has a letter at the top and then lines seperated for each definition.
Objective 2b  Vocabulary 5.1 Boom Town.notebook  SMART  Board Vocabulary Introduction for Boom Town. Unit 5, Story 1- Created by Shellie Shupe (Uintah Elementary)
Objective 2b  Vocabulary 5.2 Beatrices Goat 2.notebook  SMART  Board Vocabulary Introduction for Beatrice's Goat. Unit 5, Story 2- Created by Shellie Shupe (Uintah Elementary)
Objective 2b  Vocabulary 5.3 Time Out.notebook  SMART  Board Vocabulary Introduction for Boom Town. Unit 5, Story 3- Created by Shellie Shupe (Uintah Elementary)
Objective 2b  Vocabulary 5.4 The Printer.notebook  SMART  Board Vocabulary Introduction for The . Unit 5,        Story 4- Created by Shellie Shupe (Uintah Elementary)
Objective 2b  Vocabulary 5.5 Animal Homes.notebook SMART  Board Vocabulary Introduction for Animal Homes. Unit 5, Story 5- Created by Shellie Shupe (Uintah Elementary)                                                              
Objective 2b  Unit 5 Senteo Review.notebook Senteo Unit 5 Vocabulary Review 
Objective 2b  Vocabulary 6.1 Castle on Viola Street.notebook  SMART Board Vocabulary Introduction for A Castle on Viola Street. Unit 6, Story 1- Created by (Uintah Elementary)     
Objective 2b  Vocabulary 6.2 Wilbur's Boast.notebook  SMART Board Vocabulary Introduction for Wilbur's Boast. Unit 6, Story 2- Created by (Uintah Elementary)      
Objective 2b  Vocabulary 6.3 An American Hero.notebook  SMART Board Vocabulary Introduction for An American Hero. Unit 6, Story 3- Created by (Uintah Elementary)      
Objective 2b  Vocabulary 6.4 Mothers of Tigers.notebook SMART  Board Vocabulary Introduction for Mother To Tigers. Unit 6, Story 4- Created by (Uintah Elementary)      
Objective 2b  Vocabulary 6.5 Home-Grown Buttlerflies.notebook  SMART  Board Vocabulary Introduction for Home Grown Butterflys. Unit 6, Story 5- Created by (Uintah Elementary)      


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